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supporting you to


Yin Yang

Find your balance

Are you feeling off balance? Does your mind feel overloaded? We'll work together to move past things that are weighing you down, and support you in finding peace of mind.


Reach your goals

Are you ready to make some big life changes but struggling to get started? I'll work with you to overcome whatever is holding you back, and support you in working towards, and achieving your goals. 


Live a happier life

Are you feeling low? Don't let your past stop you from thriving in your present. Therapy can help you work through past trauma and live a lighter, happier life.


Ko Pūtauaki te Maunga
Ko Rangitāiki te Awa
Ko Ngāti Awa ki Rangitāiki te Iwi
Ko Nga Maihi te Hapū
Ko Mātaatua te Waka
Ko Teteko tōku Tūrangawaewae
Ko TūTeao te Marae
Ko Whakaruru-mai-o te Rangi te Wharekai
Ko TūTeao te Whare tīpuna

kō te mea tūtahi ka pātai mō te āwhina

Asking for help is the first step

The realisation that you or a loved one is in need of support from a psychologist can be difficult to come to terms with. Taking that first step is often the hardest part, and I understand that walking through my door for the first time might be scary and stressful. Part of my role is to acknowledge this and take the time to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. At my practice I strive to create a safe, secure, comfortable space and I will do my best to help you overcome any fear or stress that comes with attending our sessions.

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Kaimātai Hinengaro
Clinical Psychologist

Nari Hann

My goal is to work collaboratively with you or your loved one to help make sense of your current difficulties, and support you to make sustainable changes through evidence-based practices and therapies. I am focused on providing a compassionate, safe and non-judgemental environment, as well as the opportunity for you to discover more about yourself.

I have over 20 years of experience working in the community sector, supporting people in various ways as a social worker and registered counsellor. I am passionate about supporting people to live happier, healthier and better lives - the therapies I work with are proven to help people with a variety of mental health conditions and problems.

Outside of work I really value spending time with my wider family and other loved ones.

Masters of Clinical Psychology
NZ Psychology Board
NZ College of Clinical Psychologists
Member of NZ Psychological Society

Kei te titiro koe mō tō whanaunga

Looking on behalf of a loved one?

Having a robust support system is integral to moving beyond the negative space that your friend or loved one may currently be in. If you have any questions about how I may be able to help and support your loved one, please fill out the form or get in touch via text.



Therapies and services include, but are not limited to the following:


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be used to treat a range of psychological issues including anxiety, post-traumatic stress and depression.


Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is used to relieve psychological stress and is effective for post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, grief and addictions.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be used to treat workplace stress, anxiety and depression.

Māori Models of Health

Māori Models of Health include Te Whare Tapa Whā, the Meihana Model and Te Wheke and can be incorporated into our sessions if requested. 

Mindfulness, Relaxation, Breathing

Mindfulness, relaxation and breathing techniques can be used to treat a wide range of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety and sleep difficulties.

Compassion Focused Therapy

Compassion Focused Therapy helps people understand problems associated with low self esteem, self worth, self hate and self criticism.

Ngā kōwhiringa pūtea ka wātea pea ki a koe

funding options that may be available to you


Private sessions can be booked directly through me and work on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Public Health Organisation

You may be eligible to receive subsidised or fully-funded sessions through your local PHO. To find out more about the process please get in touch with your local GP. 

Accident Compensation Corporation

If you have been involved in an accident, or have experienced sexual violence and/or abuse, you may be eligible for Psychological services via ACC. You don't need to see your GP to lodge a claim or get pre-approval from ACC in order to start treatment. For more information please visit the ACC website:

Contact Form

Whakapā atu

get in touch today

haora whare hauora

clinic hours

Monday - thursday

9am - 3pm

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